Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Local governments consolidating into one merged power hub

Very Important:
Local governments consolidating into one merged power hub
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

I noticed this first per Massachusetts. The State consolidated control and ownership of all counties in the state by merger of all counties into the State. This happened over a decade ago in Massachusetts.
The 'kicker" in addition to merger of the counties the "State" before this was done the "State" changed their government status from the "State" government of Massachusetts to the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts. This transition was implemented by the "State" prior to 1995.
The big point here is that: "Private Associations" were used over the last 75-years to transition local governments from what we use to know government as into "Corporate" for profit enterprises and did so by direct consult over the years.
The structure of the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts over the "State" government of Massachusetts, at the stroke of the pen overseen and checked off on by key player "Attorneys", implemented the transition from a "government" entity into what could be more closely considered a "Private Association".
The implications here are grave specifically as would apply to the transfer and masking of public wealth. The People own government, they do not own private associations. The same would apply to wealth transferred from "State" holdings transitioned into the "Private Association" holdings of the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts..
Leave the liabilities under the "State" government shell and transfer the wealth holdings to and under the "Commonwealth" association.
This was done right under the noses of the Massachusetts residents and done without a clue given that it was being done to the Peoples of Massachusetts. The same is covertly taking place in NJ, PA, CT, and many other states.
The shell structure of government is being left in place as the wealth and stewardship responsibilities are transferred to the Private Association, or as in Massachusetts case when transitioned from the "State" government of Massachusetts into the "Commonwealth" of Massachusetts.
When this transition took place about two decades ago, Massachusetts no longer produced a "State" government CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report). The CAFR was now produced under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The State Court System and Financial operations were also transitioned into and under the same "Commonwealth" structure.
Mit Romney is the Presidential pick to be promoted by the syndicate being the prior governor of Massachusetts. He is versed on operating procedure to implement the same nationally. That will be his primary mission if appointed President and thus the Syndicate is moving forward full steam utilizing all of their contacts and tactics to force Mitt Romney's appointment as President.
I note Barack Obama as an attorney and as current President is attempting to consolidate through restructuring federal government into the same transition.
This communication needs to go viral in all circles. Let all comprehend what is taking place right in their face and under their noses.
For government to be: "For the People by the People" this transition needs to be stopped cold in its tracks and reversed. It is well under way and if the roots of its structure hold it will no longer be: "For the People by the People" but For the Association by the Association" under the direction of the association's minions of attorneys direction.
As quoted from the front page of as the bottom line at the end of the page:
"It appears that many attorneys have now taken over the House, Senate, and Governor's office. The separation of powers doctrine mandates attorneys being officers of the court (Judicial branch) that they should not be able to run for public office (Executive / Administrative branch)

Stop this now!

The ROOT of the corruption / graft / destruction of our country is coming from this breeding grounds. Here is why you are being bled dry! The very corrupt from the judicial branch have slithered their way into elected and appointed positions within the executive / administrative areas of government.

Again, it is the nature of this beast to bleed you dry, if they can that is..

If you from this point forward VOTE for an attorney running for office, you are more than foolish, you aid in the assured degradation and plunder of your own country.

Remove these attorneys from public office NOW! Mandate a ten year lapse from being an officer of the court BEFORE an attorney can run for public office and ten years after leaving office. This is a must to do NOW. It is NOT an option. Make this the LAW NOW in your City, County, and State. You now know why you are being bled dry. It is the NATURE of this beast.


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Sent FYI and for your action from,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854
Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) providing the revenue source to pay every City, County, StateĆ¢€™s general purpose annual budgetary needs!
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-------FOOTER NOTE------

Per understanding CAFRs, people have been intentionally kept in the dark so long they forget the basics:

1. A "Budget Report" is a selective funding of x accounts from x resources (set up to be primarily funded with taxation and done so "for the year")

2. An "Annual Financial Report" is the showing of "all" income: Investment; taxation; and Enterprise, plus the "accumulated wealth over decades. Budgets are for the year, an AFR is for it all since creation of the entity.

There is a big difference between the two. A correct analogy would be: The budget to operate your house vs. your statement of net worth.

The public has been played with the biggest shell game of selective presentation there is allowing for massive fortunes to be made by the inside players over the last several decades..

Every investment fund large and small is a power base. Where that money is invested determines what company; real-estate venture, etc., is made or broken. Thus in line with that, never a mention of the 184,000 AFRs of the corresponding local governments..nor the many thousands of specialty investment funds they contain. I note gov pension funds facilitate the same. Paying employee benefits from the return on the funds is an after thought for the government players.

The head communists back in the 30's and 40's said they could take over America without firming a shot. The undercurrents of that statement were that they could depend on the greed and opportunity of the players to accomplish that goal and it did. US Collective government since 2000 brings in more gross income than the entire gross income of the population of the United States.

Taxation is rammed down the public's throat (1/3rd of the gross income) and Investment / Enterprise income (2/3rd of the gross income) the "silence is golden" rule is strictly enforced with the full symbiotic cooperation of the syndicated media; controlled education; and both political parties as applies over the last century.

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